Future Applications
Areas of ongoing development at H20
Offering a glimpse into the exciting developments underway at H20 Turbines
Areas of interest and development:
BWoP heat generator - High- and low-density heat from rotation.
BWoP Retarder - Large scale wind turbine retarding, assisting friction brakes to prolong life.
Carnot Batteries - Modular 10MWh batteries used to build centres of community resilience.
Thermal wind - Low cost, low carbon, high- and low-density heat generation from wind.
Primary wind - Hybrid of thermal wind and high temperature heat pump, acting as control and security of supply.
Integrated Thermal - Thermal wind in hybrid with Carnot batteries. Importing gas peaking plant waste heat and downloading on excess renewable negatively priced heat as a service to the grid.
Existing wind turbine sites - Thermal wind/ electric wind hybrid with Carnot solving renewable infrequency.